Your First Visit

First Orthodontic Appointment

Your initial appointment with us will last approx 30mins.

During this appointment, Dr Ward will carry out a full assessment of the teeth and gums. Part of this assessment will involve taking photographs and a detailed examination of the patient’s occlusion (bite).

A thorough explanation of the problem(s) and possible treatment options will then be discussed. We always make sure enough time is scheduled to completely address any questions or concerns you may have. A written summary of our findings and recommendations will be provided to you and your family dentist. At this appointment, any questions regarding fees & financial options will be discussed.

How to find us

Clinic News

Contact Us

64 Drumcondra Road Upper, Drumcondra, Dublin 9
Phone: 01 8340577
Fax: 01 8340576

Opening Hours

7:30AM - 5:30PM
(late evening appointments available)