At Glasnevin Orthodontics, on the day you have your brace fitted, you will be given:
- a pack with toothbrushes
- interspace brushes
- disclosing tablets (help you brush better)
- orthodontic wax
These items are complimentary and you will be given detailed instructions of how to clean your teeth and brace.
How to Care for your Teeth, Gums & Appliances:
1. How do I clean my brace and teeth?
- Clean one tooth at a time using a circular motion with a soft small headed manual toothbrush (available in the practice) whilst watching in the mirror hold the cheeks back in order to see what you are doing.
- Use disclosing tablets and a fluoride mouthwash regularly as instructed.
2. What should I eat?
- All foods must be soft and chopped up into tiny pieces.
- DO NOT EAT HARD FOODS e.g baguettes, paninis, carrots, apples, crisps,biscuits, crusts etc.
- DO NOT EAT STICKY foods e.g. chewing gums, toffees ETC ETC.
3. What should I drink?
- You MUST NOT DRINK FIZZY DRINKS e.g Coke, Fanta, diet versions etc.
- Drink ONLY water, milk, tea, coffee with NO SUGAR.
4. What should I do if the Brace becomes uncomfortable?
- Some discomfort is to be expected for 3-4 days after which it will subside. Adults may get tenderness for slightly longer.
- DO take some painkillers (as advised by the practice)
- Apply the soft wax provided on any sharp edge of your brace where it may be digging in.
- If pain persists for more than a week or if you are worried please call Glasnevin Orthodontics (8340577).
5. What should I do if the Brace breaks?
- Ring the surgery and advice will be given
NOTE: A MOUTHGUARD should still be worn for contact sports – the old Mouthguard will not fit anymore so dispose of it.
– We can provide you with a special Orthodontic Mouthguard specific for sportspersons with a brace in place.